Source code for elasticgit.workspace

import os
import warnings
from urlparse import urljoin

from unidecode import unidecode

from git import Repo

from elasticutils import get_es, Q, F

from import StorageManager, RemoteStorageManager
from import ESManager, S

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Workspace(object): """ The main API exposing a model interface to both a Git repository and an Elasticsearch index. :param git.Repo repo: A :py:class:`git.Repo` instance. :param dit es: A dictionary of values one would pass to elasticutils.get_es to get an Elasticsearch connection :param str index_prefix: The prefix to use when generating index names for Elasticsearch """ def __init__(self, repo, es, index_prefix): self.repo = repo = StorageManager(repo) self.es_settings = es = ESManager(, get_es(**self.es_settings), index_prefix) self.working_dir = self.repo.working_dir self.index_prefix = index_prefix
[docs] def setup(self, name, email): """ Setup a Git repository & ES index if they do not yet exist. This is safe to run if already existing. :param str name: The name of the committer in this repository. :param str email: The email address of the committer in this repository. """ if not'user', { 'name': name, 'email': email, }) if not
[docs] def exists(self): """ Check if the Git repository or the ES index exists. Returns ``True`` if either of them exist. :returns: bool """ if return return False
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Removes an ES index and a Git repository completely. Guaranteed to remove things completely, use with caution. """ if if
[docs] def save(self, model, message, author=None, committer=None): """ Save a :py:class:`elasticgit.models.Model` instance in Git and add it to the Elasticsearch index. :param elasticgit.models.Model model: The model instance :param str message: The commit message to write the model to Git with. :param tuple author: The author information (name, email address) Defaults repo default if unspecified. :param tuple committer: The committer information (name, email address). Defaults to the author if unspecified. """ if isinstance(message, unicode): message = unidecode(message), message, author=author, committer=committer)
[docs] def delete(self, model, message, author=None, committer=None): """ Delete a :py:class`elasticgit.models.Model` instance from Git and the Elasticsearch index. :param elasticgit.models.Model model: The model instance :param str message: The commit message to remove the model from Git with. :param tuple author: The author information (name, email address) Defaults repo default if unspecified. :param tuple committer: The committer information (name, email address). Defaults to the author if unspecified. """ if isinstance(message, unicode): message = unidecode(message), message, author=author, committer=committer)
def fast_forward(self, branch_name='master', remote_name='origin'): warnings.warn('This method is deprecated, use pull() instead', DeprecationWarning) return self.pull(branch_name=branch_name, remote_name=remote_name) def index_diff(self, diff_index): # NOTE: This is probably more complicated than it needs to be # If we have multiple remotes GitPython gets confused about # deletes. It marks things as deletes because it may not # exist on another remote. # # Here we loop over all changes, track the models that've # changed and then reindex fully to make sure we're in sync. if len(self.repo.remotes) > 1 and any(diff_index): return self.reindex_diff(diff_index) # NOTE: There's a very unlikely scenario where we're dealing with # renames. This generally can only happen when a repository # has been manually modififed. If that's the case then # reindex everything as well if any(diff_index.iter_change_type('R')): return self.reindex_diff(diff_index) # unindex deleted blobs for diff in diff_index.iter_change_type('D'): path_info = if path_info is None: continue*path_info) # reindex added blobs for diff in diff_index.iter_change_type('A'): path_info = if path_info is None: continue obj =*path_info) # reindex modified blobs for diff in diff_index.iter_change_type('M'): path_info = if path_info is None: continue obj =*path_info) def reindex_diff(self, diff_index): changed_model_set = set([]) for diff in diff_index: if diff.new_file: path_info = if path_info is not None: changed_model_set.add(path_info[0]) elif diff.renamed: path_info = if path_info is not None: changed_model_set.add(path_info[0]) else: path_info = if path_info is not None: changed_model_set.add(path_info[0]) for model_class in changed_model_set: self.reindex(model_class)
[docs] def pull(self, branch_name='master', remote_name='origin'): """ Fetch & Merge in an upstream's commits. :param str branch_name: The name of the branch to fast forward & merge in :param str remote_name: The name of the remote to fetch from. """ changes =, remote_name=remote_name) return self.index_diff(changes)
[docs] def reindex_iter(self, model_class, refresh_index=True): """ Reindex everything that Git knows about in an iterator :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: :param bool refresh_index: Whether or not to refresh the index after everything has been indexed. Defaults to ``True`` """ if not iterator = for model in iterator: yield if refresh_index: self.refresh_index()
[docs] def reindex(self, model_class, refresh_index=True): """ Same as :py:func:`reindex_iter` but returns a list instead of a generator. """ return list( self.reindex_iter(model_class, refresh_index=refresh_index))
[docs] def refresh_index(self): """ Manually refresh the Elasticsearch index. In production this is not necessary but it is useful when running tests. """
[docs] def index_ready(self): """ Check if the index is ready :returns: bool """ return
[docs] def sync(self, model_class, refresh_index=True): """ Resync a workspace, it assumes the Git repository is the source of truth and Elasticsearch is made to match. This involves two passes, first to index everything that Git knows about and unindexing everything that's in Elastisearch that Git does not know about. :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: The model to resync :param bool refresh_index: Whether or not to refresh the index after indexing everything from Git """ reindexed_uuids = set([]) removed_uuids = set([]) for model_obj in self.reindex_iter(model_class, refresh_index=refresh_index): reindexed_uuids.add(model_obj.uuid) for result in self.S(model_class).everything(): if result.uuid not in reindexed_uuids:, result.uuid) removed_uuids.add(result.uuid) return reindexed_uuids, removed_uuids
[docs] def setup_mapping(self, model_class): """ Add a custom mapping for a model_class :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: :returns: dict, the decoded dictionary from Elasticsearch """ return, model_class)
[docs] def setup_custom_mapping(self, model_class, mapping): """ Add a custom mapping for a model class instead of accepting what the model_class defines. :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: :param dict: the Elastisearch mapping definition :returns: dict, the decoded dictionary from Elasticsearch """ return, model_class, mapping)
[docs] def get_mapping(self, model_class): """ Get a mapping from Elasticsearch for a model_class :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: :returns: dict """ return, model_class)
[docs] def S(self, model_class): """ Get a :py:class:`elasticutils.S` object for the given model class. Under the hood this dynamically generates a :py:class:`elasticutils.MappingType` and :py:class:`elasticutils.Indexable` subclass which maps the Elasticsearch results to :py:class:`elasticgit.models.Model` instances on the UUIDs. :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: The class to provide a search interface for. """ return S(**self.es_settings)
[docs]class RemoteWorkspace(Workspace): """ A workspace that connects to a unicore.distribute server hosted somewhere on the network. This is a read only version of the :py:class:`Workspace` """ def __init__(self, url, es=None, index_prefix=None): """ :param str url: The URL of the unicore.distribute server. :param dict es: The parameters for connecting to Elasticsearch to. If not specified then the default unicore.distribute ES proxy would be used. This defaults to ``/esapi`` on the host of the ``url`` parameter provided. :param str index_prefix: The prefix to use when generating index names for Elasticsearch """ = RemoteStorageManager(url) self.index_prefix = index_prefix or self.es_settings = es or {'urls': urljoin(url, '/esapi')} = ESManager(, es=get_es(**self.es_settings), index_prefix=self.index_prefix) def reindex_changes(self, changes): changed_model_set = set([]) for change in changes: if change['type'] == 'A': path_info =['path']) if path_info is not None: changed_model_set.add(path_info[0]) elif change['type'] == 'R': path_info =['rename_to']) if path_info is not None: changed_model_set.add(path_info[0]) else: path_info ='path')) if path_info is not None: changed_model_set.add(path_info[0]) for model_class in changed_model_set: self.reindex(model_class) def pull(self, branch_name='master', remote_name='origin'): changes =, remote_name=remote_name) def pick_type(change_type): return filter( lambda change: change['type'] == change_type, changes) # NOTE: There's a very unlikely scenario where we're dealing with # renames. This generally can only happen when a repository # has been manually modififed. If that's the case then # reindex everything as well if pick_type('R'): return self.reindex_changes(changes) # unindex deleted blobs for diff in pick_type('D'): path_info =['path']) if path_info is None: continue*path_info) # reindex added blobs for diff in pick_type('A'): path_info =['path']) if path_info is None: continue obj =*path_info) # reindex modified blobs for diff in pick_type('M'): path_info =['path']) if path_info is None: continue obj =*path_info)
[docs]class EG(object): """ A helper function for things in ElasticGit. """ @classmethod
[docs] def workspace(cls, workdir, es={}, index_prefix=None): """ Create a workspace :param str workdir: The path to the directory where a git repository can be found or needs to be created when :py:meth:`.Workspace.setup` is called. :param dict es: The parameters to pass along to :func:`elasticutils.get_es` :param str index_prefix: The index_prefix use when generating index names for Elasticsearch :returns: :py:class:`.Workspace` """ index_prefix = index_prefix or os.path.basename(workdir) repo = (cls.read_repo(workdir) if cls.is_repo(workdir) else cls.init_repo(workdir)) return Workspace(repo, es, index_prefix)
@classmethod def dot_git_path(cls, workdir): return os.path.join(workdir, '.git') @classmethod def is_repo(cls, workdir): return cls.is_dir(cls.dot_git_path(workdir)) @classmethod def is_dir(cls, workdir): return os.path.isdir(workdir) @classmethod def read_repo(cls, workdir): return Repo(workdir) @classmethod def init_repo(cls, workdir, bare=False): return Repo.init(workdir, bare=bare) @classmethod def clone_repo(cls, repo_url, workdir): return Repo.clone_from(repo_url, workdir)