Source code for

import os
import shutil
import logging

from zope.interface import implements

from git import Repo, Actor
from git.diff import DiffIndex

from elasticgit.models import Model
from elasticgit.serializers import JSONSerializer
from elasticgit.utils import load_class
from elasticgit.istorage import IStorageManager

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class StorageException(Exception):

[docs]class StorageManager(object): """ An interface to :py:class:`elasticgit.models.Model` instances stored in Git. :param git.Repo repo: The repository to operate on. """ implements(IStorageManager) serializer_class = JSONSerializer def __init__(self, repo): self.repo = repo self.workdir = self.repo.working_dir self.serializer = self.serializer_class() def active_branch(self): return
[docs] def git_path(self, model_class, *args): """ Return the path of a model_class when layed out in the git repository. :param class model_class: The class to map to a path :param tuple args: Optional bits to join together after the path. :returns: str >>> from git import Repo >>> from elasticgit.tests.base import TestPerson >>> from import StorageManager >>> sm = StorageManager(Repo('.')) >>> sm.git_path(TestPerson) 'elasticgit.tests.base/TestPerson' >>> sm.git_path(TestPerson, 'some-uuid.json') 'elasticgit.tests.base/TestPerson/some-uuid.json' >>> """ return os.path.join( model_class.__module__, model_class.__name__, *args)
[docs] def git_name(self, model): """ Return the file path to where the data for a :py:class:`elasticgit.models.Model` lives. :param elasticgit.models.Model model: The model instance :returns: str >>> from git import Repo >>> from elasticgit.tests.base import TestPerson >>> from import StorageManager >>> person = TestPerson({'age': 1, 'name': 'Foo', 'uuid': 'the-uuid'}) >>> sm = StorageManager(Repo('.')) >>> sm.git_name(person) 'elasticgit.tests.base/TestPerson/the-uuid.json' >>> """ return self.git_path( model.__class__, '%s.%s' % (model.uuid, self.serializer.suffix))
[docs] def iterate(self, model_class): """ This loads all known instances of this model from Git because we need to know how to re-populate Elasticsearch. :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: The class to look for instances of. :returns: generator """ path = self.git_path(model_class, '*.%s' % (self.serializer.suffix,)) list_of_files = self.repo.git.ls_files(path) for file_path in filter(None, list_of_files.split('\n')): module_name, class_name, file_name = file_path.split('/', 3) uuid, suffix = file_name.split('.', 2) yield self.get(model_class, uuid)
[docs] def path_info(self, file_path): """ Analyze a file path and return the object's class and the uuid. :param str file_path: The path of the object we want a model instance for. :returns: (model_class, uuid) tuple or ``None`` if not a model file path. """ try: module_name, class_name, file_name = file_path.split('/', 3) uuid, suffix = file_name.split('.', 2) model_class = load_class('%s.%s' % (module_name, class_name)) if not issubclass(model_class, Model): raise StorageException('%r does not subclass %r' % ( model_class, Model)) return model_class, uuid except ValueError, e: log.warn('%s does not look like a model file path.' % ( file_path,), exc_info=True) except ImportError, e: log.warn(e, exc_info=True) except StorageException, e: log.warn(e, exc_info=True)
[docs] def load(self, file_path): """ Load a file from the repository and return it as a Model instance. :param str file_path: The path of the object we want a model instance for. :returns: :py:class:`elasticgit.models.Model` """ path_info = self.path_info(file_path) if path_info is None: raise StorageException( '%s does not look like a model file.' % (file_path,)) return self.get(*path_info)
[docs] def get_data(self, repo_path): """ Get the data for a file stored in git :param str repo_path: The path to the file in the Git repository :returns: str """ return'%s:%s' % (self.active_branch(), repo_path))
[docs] def get(self, model_class, uuid): """ Get a model instance by loading the data from git and constructing the model_class :param elasticgit.models.Model model_class: The model class of which an instance to return :param str uuid: The uuid for the object to retrieve :returns: :py:class:elasticgit.models.Model """ object_data = self.get_data( self.git_path( model_class, '%s.%s' % (uuid, self.serializer.suffix,))) model = self.serializer.deserialize(model_class, object_data) if model.uuid != uuid: raise StorageException( 'Data uuid (%s) does not match requested uuid (%s).' % ( model.uuid, uuid)) return model
[docs] def store(self, model, message, author=None, committer=None): """ Store an instance's data in Git. :param elasticgit.models.Model model: The model instance :param str message: The commit message. :param tuple author: The author information (name, email address) Defaults repo default if unspecified. :param tuple committer: The committer information (name, email address). Defaults to the author if unspecified. :returns: The commit. """ if not isinstance(message, str): raise StorageException('Messages need to be bytestrings.') if model.uuid is None: raise StorageException('Cannot save a model without a UUID set.') if model.is_read_only(): raise StorageException('Trying to save a read only model.') return self.store_data( self.git_name(model), self.serializer.serialize(model), message, author=author, committer=committer)
[docs] def store_data(self, repo_path, data, message, author=None, committer=None): """ Store some data in a file :param str repo_path: Where to store the file. :param obj data: The data to write in the file. :param str message: The commit message. :param tuple author: The author information (name, email address) Defaults repo default if unspecified. :param tuple committer: The committer information (name, email address). Defaults to the author if unspecified. :returns: The commit """ # ensure the directory exists file_path = os.path.join(self.repo.working_dir, repo_path) dir_name = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not (os.path.isdir(dir_name)): os.makedirs(dir_name) with open(file_path, 'w') as fp: # write the object data fp.write(data) author_actor = Actor(*author) if author else None committer_actor = Actor(*committer) if committer else author_actor # add to the git index index = self.repo.index index.add([file_path]) return index.commit(message, author=author_actor, committer=committer_actor)
[docs] def delete(self, model, message, author=None, committer=None): """ Delete a model instance from Git. :param elasticgit.models.Model model: The model instance :param str message: The commit message. :param tuple author: The author information (name, email address) Defaults repo default if unspecified. :param tuple committer: The committer information (name, email address). Defaults to the author if unspecified. :returns: The commit. """ return self.delete_data( self.git_name(model), message, author=author, committer=committer)
[docs] def delete_data(self, repo_path, message, author=None, committer=None): """ Delete a file that's not necessarily a model file. :param str repo_path: Which file to delete. :param str message: The commit message. :param tuple author: The author information (name, email address) Defaults repo default if unspecified. :param tuple committer: The committer information (name, email address). Defaults to the author if unspecified. :returns: The commit """ if not isinstance(message, str): raise StorageException('Messages need to be bytestrings.') file_path = os.path.join(self.repo.working_dir, repo_path) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise StorageException('File does not exist.') author_actor = Actor(*author) if author else None committer_actor = Actor(*committer) if committer else author_actor # Remove from the index index = self.repo.index index.remove([file_path], working_tree=True) return index.commit(message, author=author_actor, committer=committer_actor)
[docs] def storage_exists(self): """ Check if the storage exists. Returns ``True`` if the directory exists, it does not check if it is an actual :py:class:`git.Repo`. :returns: bool """ return os.path.isdir(self.workdir)
[docs] def create_storage(self, bare=False): """ Creates a new :py:class:`git.Repo` :param bool bare: Whether or not to create a bare repository. Defaults to ``False``. """ if not os.path.isdir(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir) repo = Repo.init(self.workdir, bare) return repo.index.commit('Initialize repository.')
[docs] def write_config(self, section, data): """ Write a config block for a git repository. :param str section: The section to write the data for. :param dict data: The keys & values of data to write """ config_writer = self.repo.config_writer() for key, value in data.items(): config_writer.set_value(section, key, value) config_writer.release()
[docs] def read_config(self, section): """ Read a config block for a git repository. :param str section: The section to read. :returns: dict """ config_reader = self.repo.config_reader() data = dict(config_reader.items(section)) config_reader.release() return data
[docs] def destroy_storage(self): """ Destroy the repository's working dir. """ return shutil.rmtree(self.workdir)
[docs] def pull(self, branch_name='master', remote_name=None): """ Fetch & Merge in an upstream's commits. :param str branch_name: The name of the branch to fast forward & merge in :param str remote_name: The name of the remote to fetch from. """ remote_name = remote_name or 'origin' remote = self.repo.remote(name=remote_name) fetch_list = remote.fetch() fetch_info = fetch_list['%s/%s' % (remote_name, branch_name)] # NOTE: This can happen when we've not done anything yet on a # repository if self.repo.heads: hcommit = self.repo.head.commit diff = hcommit.diff(fetch_info.commit) else: diff = DiffIndex() self.repo.git.merge(fetch_info.commit) return diff